10 ways photography makes you a better parent

A post by: Beryl YoungPPWhen I started my journey the beautiful way of becoming a photographer, I never realized how my world would transform this camera from me at all./PPIMG title=”better-parent-photographer-02.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”Better parent photographer 02″ src=”http://www.photo-natural.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/wpid-better-parent-photographer-02.jpg” width=”600″ height=”397″/PPI picked up a camera before becoming a mother, not because of the burning of passion, but because I knew how important it is to document our lives. I felt like taking pictures an essential part of the memory of all the details of our growing family./PPWhat I’ve realized over the years, however, is that photography is not only about the technical details of the perfect white balance, using the best gear and accessories, or search for perfect posing and staging techniques. It is about the benefits of the surprising and hidden camera you will receive in the rediscovery of yourself and ignite a new passion; helps you be a better person in the process./PPBelow you will find 10 ways I have found photography has made me a better mother. The points I make are very focused ‘ mother ‘, but I’m sure this would apply to fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or anyone else who has a love for capturing their family as well./PPPhotography is a way to keep the ‘ adult ‘ side of your brain active learning and growing, if you conquer the technical side of what makes the camera work./PPWhen I became a mother, I was soon overwhelmed with all the ‘ kid stuff ‘ in my life. Cartoons, arts and crafts, Play Doh

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