
BeesFree is a technology company with global reach which develops and commercialises innovative solutions for the beekeepers communities on a world-wide scale. Incorporated in 2011, BeesFree has its Headquarters in Florida, US and all our Research and Development activities are run in Laboratory Facilities located in Rome, Italy.

As from 2008, BeesFrees founders have dedicated significant efforts and resources to find an effective and economically viable solution to the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) problem, whose effects have such a dramatic impact on beekeepers businesses and families alike on a global scale. We have carried out numerous experiments, tests and surveys to identify which factors adversely affect honey bees health and to improve the overall understanding of CCD related issues. We are currently planning to roll-out further field test projects in different countries and regions.

BeesFree has developed an innovative integrated approach meant to mitigate the effects of CCD and possibly even preventing CCD to happen altogether. Our technology is meant to work and be effective at global scale as honey bees physiology and behavioural patterns are quite similar across different environmental and climatic conditions.

Since 1984, the beekeeping industry has witnessed multiple introduction of invasive species, including the parasitic tracheal mite Acarapis woodi (identified 1984), the parasitic mite Varroa destructor (identified 1987), Africanized honey bees (1991), the small hive beetle Aethina tumida (identified 1996), the Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus – IAPV (identified 2007) and the Nosema ceranae (identified 2007). For the past 20 years, parasitic mites have caused extensive damage to honey bees. These mites transmit viruses to bees and cause significant colony losses each year. Mite-related losses reached catastrophic proportions during the winters of 1995/1996 and 2000/2001 when …
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