Flowers in early spring…

Scilla bifolia 01

Some of the most beautiful plants that bloom late winter are:

Scilla bifolia is a small herbaceous flowering plant, especially the beginning of March the small blue with a diameter of 1 cm, flowers begin to appear at the edge of the forest and the shadow areas of lawns across Italy, between 300 and 2000 m m.
In antiquity, the hyacinth were known and appreciated for their beauty and were planted outside the door to evil and to ensure the health and longevity.

Scilla bifolia 02

Crocus etruscus 01

Of the 15 species of Crocus in the flora spontaneous italiana, Crocus etruscus is a particularly rare and endemic species found exclusively in Tuscany between 100 and 1000 m Hossein…
A relative of the more notorious and cultivated saffron (Crocus sativus), Crocus etruscus is a bulbous plant whose inflorescence is made up of a single purple flower and the leaves are long and thin.

Crocus etruscus 02

Primula vulgaris 01

Primula vulgaris is a herbaceous perennial that produces many yellow flowers about 3 cm in diameter and grows in shady and moist areas on the margins of forests or torrents.Its name comes from the Latin “primus” to indicate the earliness of flowering that occurs between February and March in the Italy between 0 and 1200 m m.

Primula vulgaris 02

14 April 2013 19:30 | News

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