Live Pics io-a way to share your Live photos

A post by: Konstantin ShtondenkoPPIMG title=”LivePicsio_Screen.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”LivePicsio Screen” src=”” width=”300″ height=”154″It happens all the time. You came from a shoot, move everything from memory cards and … your phone rings. It is your friend and he wants to see what you have. Right now./PPThat is not always so easy, especially if you shoot RAW. You must export to JPEG images, upload it somewhere, send your friend a link and occasionally explains what to do with this link in a series of e-mails. Things get even harder it is a client when you want before you start the post-processing step directions./PPI have a good news. Recently a new web service that leverages HTML5 and WebRTC technologies to deal with the situation in a new way./PPLive Pics io is a service for sharing live photo./PPThe dearest part

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