Tips for landscape photography in exotic places

A post by: Andrew Gibson

The Exotic Landscape

Landscape photography is difficult. If you live in a location spectacular scenery is missing, or you just fancy going somewhere new, maybe travel to a new location-in particular a nice one-seems to be the solution. A few days or a week, in a national park or other nice place with your tripod and camera sounds like a great way to create some wonderful new images. What could go wrong?

Actually enough. The weather (and consequently the light) might not do what you want. As you go through the sea shooting, the timing of the tides may not be conducive to taking great photos. You have no time to find the best places to take pictures, and be able to get on location when the light is at its best.

I wrote more about that, and the benefits that focus on your local landscapes here, in my article the intimate landscape

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